Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Barefoot Beach: Learning Center

In the parking lot

Trip to Barefoot beach- awesome!! We actually took the time to stop and take a look around in the learning center. The friends of Barefoot Beach Preserve have got it going on!

I had to toss some in!

The pond is amazing- this picture doesn't do it justice



  1. Hi! Thanks for sharing on our Facebook page! I am so jealous that you get to go to Sanibel any time you want.


  2. I love that learning center. Did you walk all the way to the south end at Wiggins Pass? When the tide is changing all kinds of goodies flow through there. I usually park at the last parking lot so it's not too bad of a walk.

  3. Always love learning more about the ocean and life that surrounds it!

    Thanks for sharing ---

    beachside cottage
